About the PR materials

If you would like to use image data for public relations purposes, please send the application details below by email or fax.
Please note that when using the images, you must adhere to the following precautions.

Application details

  1. Desired image name (please choose from the PR materials.)
  2. Desired date to receive the image
  3. Applicant (destination)
  4. Publication medium (please attach a reference paper if available. For the web, an address is also acceptable.)
  5. Planned publication date
  6. Address
  7. Company name
  8. Name of person in charge
  9. TEL・FAX
  10. e-mail(data destination)


  • Image data should not be used for purposes other than the exhibition or the museum's PR.
  • It is prohibited to pass on image data to third parties. Please delete image data after use.
  • In the case of an exhibition, please clearly indicate the name, period, and venue.
  • Images should be used in their entirety. Partial images, cropping, and overlaying text on the work are not permitted.
  • When using images of the work, please clearly include the credit for the press release (PDF).
  • Please donate a copy of the publication paper (magazine) to the museum's PR department. If you are using the website, please notify us at the time of publication.
  • If publishing on a website, please apply copy protection.

*Please send a proofread before publishing. If you are unable to send it to us, we will not be responsible for the content published.
* Photos will be loaned out as image data (.jpg).

Application address

Ehime Prefectural Museum of Art, Public Relations Officer
Please write "Request for public relations image data for XXX Exhibition" in the subject line.

FAX 089-932-0511

Publicity materials


Commemorating the Acquisition of the Yamakawa Collection: PHOTOGRAPHY - The Past and Future of Photography

Facility Photos

Regarding photography inside the museum

Bridal photography and other commercial photography (photography, videography, etc.) is not permitted within the museum (grounds) without permission.
If you wish to carry out any of the above photography activities, please contact the photography company at least two weeks in advance to inform them of the date, time, location, and content of the shoot.

<Prohibited Items>

  • Photographing within restricted areas
  • Photographing by moving structures or equipment on the premises
  • Photographing for commercial purposes (sales, marketing, advertising, promotion)
  • Photographing that obstructs visitor traffic or the viewing environment, such as occupying the same place for a long period of time

Ehime Prefectural Museum of Art, General Affairs Division